Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy of Georgia 2021-2027
Implementation of the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy 2021-2027 will make it possible to address existing challenges and have brekthroughs regarding social-economic development in rural areas.
Maximizing the agriculture potential of Georgia and its purposeful utilization is of vital significance for the national economy. Therefore, elaboration of clearly defined agrarian policy focused on competetive production and support for attracting financial resources in this sector of the economy will be the primary safeguard for reaching this positive results. At the same time, food security and food safety are espcially important for the country, which is a key obligation of the Government of Georgia. The development of the rural territories of Georgia is important for addressing the objectives such as food security, environment protection, economic development, the establishment of high quality of life, and state security.
Based on the sustainable development principles, to diversify/develop economic opportunities in rural areas, improve social condition and quality of life.
Strategy goals are:
1. Competetive agricultural and non-agricultural sectors;
2. Sustainable usage of natural resources, retaining the ecosystem, adaptation to climate change;
3. Effective systems of food/feed safety, veterinary and plant protection.
Goal 1 – Competetive agricultural and non-agricultural sectors
- To raise awareness/knowledge of framers and trepreneurs;
- To develop agricultural and non-agricultural value chain by focusing on diversification, innovative technologies, cooperation, and support to producers’ unions: To increase access to various financial instruments;
- To support the integration of farmers/etrepreneurs on the market;
- To stimulate young farmers and entrepreneurs in rural areas;
- To increase access to infrastructure and services;
- To improve the irrigation and drainage systems;
- To develop rural tourism and relevant tourism products.
Goal 2 – Sustainable usage of natural resources, retaining the ecosystem, adaptation to climate change.
- To disseminate climate-smart and environmentally adapted agricultural practices;
- To support the development of ecotourism;
- Sustainable usage of forest resources;
- To support the implementation of energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies and practices;
- To maintain agro-bio-diversity.
Goal 3 – Effective system of food/feed safety, veterinary and plant protection
- To approximate the sanitary and phytosanitary regulatory legislation of Georgia to the EU legislation;
- To ensure that the products supplied to the local and export markets comply with sanitary and phytosanitary standards;
- To develop the laboratory capacities;
- Quality assurance agricultural inputs.