Share your rural story

  • To increase the visibility of agriculture and rural development.
  • To demonstrate innovative solutions affecting rural communities.
  • To recognize and motivate projects that involve youth.
  • To present best practice examples.
  • To demonstrate the geographic region in which the projects are located.
  • To identify projects which signal a step change in approach, are innovative or have potentially wide transferability within rural communities and thereby may contribute to inspire the future development path for rural areas (as set out in the long-term vision of rural development policy).
  • To promote knowledge exchange and networking among rural stakeholders.
  • To assist the common work of GRDN.
Thematic categories:
  1. Green Rural Futures: Projects or initiatives tackling climate change, demonstrating sustainability, and/or contributing to the green recovery.
  2. Digital Rural Futures: Projects that show a sustainable approach which advances the benefits of digitalization in farming and rural communities, whether about improving digital and broadband infrastructure, provision of digital services, uptake of new technology or in improving digital skills and knowledge.
  3. Resilient Futures: Projects that demonstrate their contribution to strengthening the economic resilience, particularly for rural communities and business.
  4. Socially Inclusive & Innovative Futures: Projects that address social aspects in an innovative manner that contribute to the inclusiveness or rural society and support rural entrepreneurs.
  • Projects should, as a general rule, be completed. For entries by on-going projects, these must already be sufficiently advanced to be able to demonstrate impact of transferability.
  • Stories may only be submitted to GRDN/National Support Unit (Managing Authority of MEPA).
  • Submit your entries & ask question to:
  • Download “Share Your Rural Story” guideline/form.